...but the blogging slooowwws doowwwn
So, the blogging honeymoon is over.
A busy lifestyle, coupled with a severe lack of motivation, have led to no posting for almost a month.
What has inspired this post today? Well, a few things.
First, I am in the midst of writing an essay on the justification of the state in the redistribution of wealth based on the writings of Smith and Mill and Locke and Hume and....well.... Exciting stuff.
Second, mangoman has been appointed a Cosgrove style figure to be sent to an impoverished area to supervise the said redistribution. Or not.
Not, actually, but still. (Check it out here and here, particularly like the one about the Super Emo - credit to Sherd for that one).
Third, I watched the news about the Bananas in Pyjamas in Innsfail, and the not very-Cosgrove-like figure of... A HUGLEY FAT PETER COSGROVE was on. This man needs to go on the no carbs at night thingo for a while. The man is a mountain!
The connection between the three is somewhat tenuous, I'll admit, but I'm clutching at straws.
Anyway, I am actually writing the essay now, and will go and get back to it.
Maybe I'll post again tomorrow, maybe next week, who knows?
It's exciting reading this blog, no?
A long time between drinks doesn't even come close. Just because you were too busy having dirty monkey sex to blog.
No, no, not monkeys. Llamas are more my style.
Is a welcome back to the land of the living appropriate? The logic seems a bit strange but the sentiment feels right.
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