Wednesday, March 15, 2006 get off your arse and do something except watch TV.

No one came to the poker night at Casa de los Pescados Musicales. Everyone called in sick. The first poker night was a great success. The blokes gambled, a few drinks were had, and the one person who could play before the night began eventually ended up winning everything. All of it. The whole $20. In five cent pieces.
This boded well for subsequent nights. Of course, we did not reckon with the modern tendency of people to feign illness to avoid obligations. Well, not so new maybe, but, really, who calls in sick to avoid a social gathering? Actually, I suppose a lot of people.
All had stories of one sort or another, but they were watching the OC. As did I.
And, during first whole episode I've watched, I made a decision. I've decided to register my support of Ryan, mainly because no one else seems to like him and I tend to disagree with everyone in the room regardless of their position, just because I like to argue.
Works fine most of the time - I know enough about random stuff to bluff my way through.

My family tends to gang up on me, though.

But I still think there aren't that many hours available in life to waste them watching TV.

Of course, as you get older, I guess the amount of time you have available increases, brought about both by retirement and the fact that old people don't sleep. They're like dolphins who never sleep - apparently they can make one half of their brain sleep at a time so they can keep swimming. Handy. I know it's true because Dr Karl said so (dolphins, not old people, that is, who only seem to sleep in public - on buses, trains, while behind the wheel).
This is offset by the knowledge that the change in the amount of time you have left is inversely proportional to the time you've had. Which doesn't explain why old people walk slowly when I'm trying to get to the record shop, meet people at the station, have lunch, all in one hour. There's barely even time for a beer.

It's a hard life.


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