...and I missed it
So, I hit enter right after I put the title in. It's all far too efficient, this internet thing. Blog, with a capital B. I'm starting one, albeit sans a ready made rent-a-crowd like Sherdie's. In fact, I'm not even going to tell anyone about it, at least to begin with. I suspect that after a period of time with no interest, I'll spam it to the world.
I have previously made comments about this being a pointless exercise in lookatmeism - and I stand by earlier comments.
Don't know if I can be bothered talking about my day etc, as I was there and don't really care if you know what went on, but that may change. Also, I will probably lose interest in this thing in short order.
Mainly I'm doing this because I like to argue, or discuss, and I have a lot of half formed, baseless theories about everything which need testing. That, and I'm now a public servant with access to the net and time to waste. (and taxpayers money, I hear you say - but I figure I pay tax too, so I'm using my own money).
Also, at the moment I google myself and find that I'm a top player in the NCAA (American college football). Would be cool to have something from the real me floating around out there.
Look at me.
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